ARC Team
What is an ARC? It's an Advance Reader Copy of a soon-to-be-released book.
By the time the novel is shared with the ARC Team, it has been fully edited and proofread, but it still may contain a few small errors, which should be fixed prior to publication.
Does this mean FREE BOOKS?
Yes indeed!
ARC readers will be given access to a free copy of Paul's latest book as soon as it becomes available, typically about 2 weeks prior to the publication date.
Required Commitment
As an ARC reader, your only commitment is to provide me with a review of the book within 4 weeks of receiving the book. I would appreciate it if you would post your review to Amazon, Goodreads, etc. as well, but it is definitely not required.
After you've finished your review, you'll email me your comments directly, or a you can send me link to your review on Amazon, Goodreads. You do not need to give me a positive review to stay on the team. You just need to give me your honest opinion so that I can use it to improve the quality of my stories.
If you receive a free copy of my novel, you are required to provide me with a review or you will not be offered any future ARCs. However, if life gets in the way and you simply cannot send me your review for some reason, just let me know and I'll see what I can do to work with you.
Also note, reviews on personal blogs and social media sites will not be accepted for ARC Team qualification purposes.
How to Join the ARC Team
It's super easy! All you need to do is send me an email with your first and last name and a link to your review of any of my novels or short stories. Please include ARC Team Request in the subject.
If you want to be considered for ARC Team Perks, email me at
If you are accepted as a member of the ARC Team, I will email you a link to the next book to be published, as soon as it's available.